Thursday, May 21, 2009

~2 more paper to go~

i jus finished my ks paper at 9.45am..
used 1 day to finish 3 sub..*actually nt all =.="*
then end up i jus slept for ard 2 hrs..
hope i wont get scolded...
later i going to sleep for the whole evening...
that also if i can stop watching drama ^^"
tml will hv no electric current..
dono wat i going to do...
23rd also the same..
how i going to study for my nex 2 paper??
and i was asked to pack my things earlier...
if nt i will nt hv enough time to pack my things after my last paper on 26th...
left 2 more paper now...
hope i can pass my exam...

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