Thursday, January 29, 2009

~class gathering~

today we having a class gathering at autocity...
ee ling fetched me and we meet li xuen at thr...
we r asked to gather at pizza hut at 12 noon...
but when we reached thr,
we jus saw 3 of our classmate waiting thr...
they told us the gathering was canceled =.="
then 6 of us jus go to seoul garden to hv our lunch...
after that, wp said she r coming with the others...
so we take a sit at kfc while waiting them..
we waited for quite a long time but they haven reach...
all of us said that they go bai nian when go fetch the others...
after they reached, we went back to pizza hut coz they haven eat...
finish eating, we decided to go sunway to sing k but canceled coz it's too exp
we fetched pey chin and jus go to a friend's house and play cards..
at the end left 7 of us go hv our dinner tgt...
tis time i sit jy's car when going back..
1st time sit his car..
in his car got sound effect de lol...
i mean when he was driving...
he is very funny...
whole journey we keep laughing lol...
is quite fun today^^

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